Advice about Asbestos Compensation Claims and Asbestos Lawyers
Mesothelioma is a cancer, which is commonly caused by exposure to asbestos. If you or a member of your family have been diagnosed with this disease, then our group solicitors can help you to pursue a claim for mesothelioma compensation.
As National Asbestos Lawyers, we have worked with thousands of people across the UK suffering from asbestos-related diseases, including asbestosis. As well as providing financial, emotional and practical support to sufferers and their families, our group solicitors can offer legal representation for those who want to make asbestos compensation claims.
If you have been diagnosed with pleural thickening our group solicitor has extensive experience and specialist expertise in dealing with claims of this nature and can help you. They would deal with the matter on a “No win No fee” basis.
Pleural plaques are areas of scarring or calcification on the pleura. It is no longer possible for an individual who has pleural plaques alone to claim compensation in England and Wales.